Protein-Protease Deficiency and Hydrochloric Acid
Protein deficiency implies a deficiency in protease. A protein deficiency compromises the immune alliance, leaving a person susceptible to frequent or chronic infections, either bacterial - 0r viral - or both. It can make them vulnerable to other more serious conditions, including cancer.
Protease deficiency can lead to edema (retention of fluid). The edema can manifest itself in various places in the body, including swelling of the hands and feet as well as fluid in the ears. When a buildup of toxins in the large intestine happens, toxic colon syndrome can occur. This is another condition that results from a protease deficiency that in tum, can lead to various intestinal problems including chronic constipation, appendicitis and even cancer of the colon. Toxic colon syndrome is not to be confused with Ileocecal Valve Syndrome, which is another matter altogether.
Over half of the protein digested is converted to glucose. This follows therefore, that a protease deficiency thus a protein deficiency, can lead to and be directly involved with , hypoglycemia (low blood sugar), and its accompanying symptoms such as moodiness, depression, irritability and exhaustion.
Protein, when digested properly, supplies acidity to the blood. When protein is not digested, the blood requires excess alkaline reserves which must be continuously dumped via the kidneys into the urine. When there is such an alkaline reserve, it can result in anxiety. This can be to such a degree that these conditions are often treated with prescription tranquilizers. These drugs do absolutely nothing to address the underlying imbalance and the symptom chase and suppression dance is underway. There is another phenomenon that accompanies this situation.
Since the very important mineral calcium is carried by the blood partly bound to digested protein and partly in ionic (salt) form, protease deficiency and inadequate protein digestion along with the resulting excess alkaline reserves can lead to calcium metabolism problems. These problems include osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, degenerative disk problems and bone spurs. A further role that protease plays is in the prevention and elimination of blood clots.
Protease is necessary to digest protein; Protease digests protein into smaller units called amino acids. Remember that not only is there protein from food but also from other organisms that are composed of protein, such as the coating on certain viruses, toxins from dead bacteria as well as other micro-organisms, and certain other harmful substances produced at sites of injury and /or inflammation.
Amino acids are the building blocks of the 40,000 different proteins in the body. This includes enzymes, hormones and the key brain chemical messenger molecules called neurotransmitters. Eight of the amino acids cannot be made by the body. These amino acids are called essential, while other amino acids that can be synthesized by the body are termed
non-essential. I do not agree with this classification since the so called non-essential amino acids are in fact very essential for life but under proper circumstances can be manufactured by the body if the essential ones are present. Such proper circumstances may not be present during times of
various stresses, malnutrition, illness, protease/protein deficiency and any number of other common occurrences in life.
For a quick understanding of the biochemistry involved, it is important to realize the extent to which protease deficiency and protein digestion and protein deficiency are involved. Protein deficiencies are more common than not and protein digestion is not necessarily automatic or average. Add to this the fact that many people have low or no protein/ high carbohydrate diets and there are added dimensions to the problem. As for the biochemistry, the human body is made up of water, minerals, protein, fat carbohydrates, vitamins and enzymes. Water is essential in maintaining the fluidity of the various elements or ingredients found in the bloodstream. Water enters into many metabolic functions and reactions. Minerals are a part of every cell but most of the time in a reactive way, such as a part of an enzyme. Vitamins are a part of the enzyme system and are catalysts in many reactions.
Fat gives insulation and acts as a reserve supply of energy. Energy is normally supplied by carbohydrates. Protein is the substance of which every cell is made and without it, the other elements or ingredients could not function properly. Protein, in the absence of water in the cells, would account for nearly 75% of the dry weight of the cells.
Protein, as we know, is made up of amino acids which have been characterized as essential and non-essential. In so describing, science must assume average and automatic digestion in humans. Average and automatic digestion is not found in most humans in the civilized world.
There have been numerous diets and trends to ignore or downgrade the need for protein in the diet. Carbohydrates have been in vogue and "carbohydrate loading " popular with numerous athletes. This may have come about partly by the establishment of the SAD statistics. Many Standard American Diets (SAD) are too high in protein (especially certain types or sources), and too low in vegetables and fruits. However protein in the diet and the digestion, assimilation, absorption etc., are too often overlooked in today's pseudo-scientific approach to diet and nutrition.
There are a number of established facts that should be an indication of just how important protein consumption and digestion is when it comes to health and wellness:
- Every second the bone marrow , crucial to the immune alliance, makes 2,500,000 red blood
- Blood platelets, the disk shaped structures in the blood whose functions relate to the
- The entire mucousal lining of the intestinal tract turns over or regenerates every 14 days.
- All the white blood cells are replaced every ten
- The outer skin, often called the third kidney, is replaced about every twenty
Each and every one of these functions and regenerating processes require amino acids, which require protein consumption and digestion. All of the carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and minerals in the world cannot make these functions and processes happen without protein and proper protein digestion and assimilation, etc. Newborn babies have the highest protein requirement and need approximately 35% of their daily diet as protein for optimal growth and development.
There are approximately 40 amino acids known and identified at this time and some of them have very definite characteristic actions which can be of great benefit in maintaining and restoring health in a number of special ways. Some ways that have been proven to be useful and effective:
- Immune function stimulation and support
- Supporting and assisting detoxification
- Lowering cholesterol and triglyceride levels
- Harmlessly and reasonably reducing appetite
- Increasing appetite when necessary such as in anorexia
- Reducing blood pressure
- Helping to fight addiction
Without doubt, protein consumption, digestion, assimilation, absorption etc., are critical to health and wellness. Some of the amino acids are extremely important in the process of normal nerve transmission and have to pass the blood brain barrier, a very selective barrier. The desired effect is best accomplished by the proper consumption and digestion of protein. When therapeutic supplementation is undertaken. in order to pass the very selective blood brain barrier. the amino acid supplements are best taken alone on an empty stomach. The reason for this is that when all the amino acids are present they have a tendency to compete for a gateway into the brain. An example is the amino acid phenylalanine taken with food for depression. Taken that way, phenylalanine would most probably be totally ineffective, but taken alone on an empty stomach an hour before a meal could prove to be phenomenal. Space and time do not permit discussing all the benefits and therapeutic usage of individual amino acids or the absolute necessity of amino acids in life that comes from proper protein consumption and digestion.
One of the more often overlooked facets of protein digestion/consumption is involved with blood sugar levels. The storage of glucose, as well as the transportation of glucose, is very much dependent on this process that is taken for granted more times than not. When it is questioned, it usually is because someone is thought to be" getting older" and things are a little off because of aging. Then hydrochloric acid is recommended because the patient does not have enough, or maybe there is too much, and an HCL blocker is used, and of course, if one drug or "medicine" is used, others are sure to follow. The indigestion/antacid industry has become so large that conventional medicine, never one to miss out on possible revenues, has come up with a disease, Acid Reflux Disease. This disease has been "discovered" along with many, many others, because of the obvious Cartel connections and the fact that the technicians dispensing the drugs have too much calculus and far too little biochemistry. As for how this connects to blood sugar levels, protein digestion or a lack thereof plays a significant role in a number of related physical, mental and emotional conditions and their accompanying signs and symptoms.
There are times patients come to our clinic after being diagnosed with numerous disorders and conditions, both physical and mental. Often the doctors can find nothing wrong with them and after a ride on the "insurance freeway" and any number of "approved" and costly tests, the traffic is directed to another insurance freeway called the "specialist". If this proves to be unproductive (for the patient, as it is a lock for the doctors, drug and insurance companies), being productive and extremely profitable as far as they are concerned. Then many times the last insurance approved route is the psychiatric one. This in turn , leads to drugs and more drugs, therapies, group therapies, and perhaps even a little electro-shock ''therapy". Patently done and occurring time after time is the total disregard and overlooking of any directly related physical/nutritional beginning causes of these "mental and emotional" conditions.
If abnormal brain chemistry and activity are concluding factors in diagnosing mental illness, then in a sane world one would look to abnormal body chemistry that could be caused by nutritional imbalances. The very imbalance in the body's own biochemistry leads to not only nutritional problems, but hormonal imbalance and abnormal brain chemistry. These problems, not limited to but including protein/protease deficiency, sugar reactiveness and intolerance (the inability to digest disaccharides into simple sugars), and thyroid disorders especially hypothyroidism (an underactive thyroid gland), as well as pituitary and other endocrine considerations have commonalities and overlapping symptoms.
In discussing protein and the life processes involved, keep in mind that those who are deficient in protease cannot digest proteins properly. Some people become vegetarians and still have difficulty digesting plant protein and when diagnosed by a qualified and competent enzyme therapist, the deficiencies become obvious and treatable. When left untreated, a digestive enzyme deficiency can lead to metabolic deficiencies, as the body tries to maintain homeostatic balance, and will rob from one system to pay another in the quest for homeostasis. The protease deficiency that can lead to the accumulation of alkaline reserves results in a tendency toward alkalinity and an alkaline pH in the urine. This excess of alkaline reserves comes about because there is not enough digested protein to supply the necessary acidity. In order to supply acidity (hydrochloric acid) to the stomach needed in the process of digestion, there has to be the necessary acidity in the blood in order to donate it to the digestion. Some common symptoms of an over alkaline system are frequent sighing, anxiety and even full blown "panic attacks", among others. Protein is a carrier and along with the protein/protease deficiency and the excess alkaline reserves in the bloodstream , there is a lack of calcium being properly transported. This is another factor in anxiety and an inability to relax. Sugar reactiveness and intolerance is another factor in many problems both physical and mental/emotional. Some of these symptoms and conditions that are directly caused by sugar intolerance/reactiveness include: autism, attention deficit disorder (ADD), hyperactive attention disorder, overly aggressive behavior, depression, irritability, bi-polar and schizophrenic disorders, insomnia, nightmares and panic attacks. Some of the extreme symptoms are seen in people that are sugar intolerant/sugar reactive, vitamin B deficient, and hypothyroid which is intricately involved with hypoglycemia, commonly called low blood sugar (low blood glucose). Glucose is formed in the body from the digestion of protein, carbohydrates, sugars and B-complex vitamins. It is required in brain activity and nutrition. When there is inadequate glucose arriving in the brain the apple cart starts to tip and problems result. The cause of all this is seen in three primary factors directly involved in the prevention of the glucose arriving in the brain efficiently. The first is the inability to digest sugar. Secondly is inadequate protein digestion, as over half the digested protein is eventually converted to glucose and protein is necessary to carry and store glucose. A third factor is the B-vitamin deficiency as B-vitamins are required in the transportation of sugar (glucose) to the brain.
A large number of Americans are sugar reactive/sugar intolerant to varying extents.
Refined carbohydrate consumption in America is very high and the number of unhealthy people has been on the rise. The overeating of refined sugar and an inability to digest it is evident in many so called health problems including allergies and asthma. This may be due to a deficiency in disaccharides (the enzymes that digest sugars: lactase, sucrase, maltase). This digestion occurs primarily in the small intestine. When sugars are ingested beyond an individual's own digestive capacity and their ability to process it, numerous problems occur. The refined bleached sugars and starches (rice and flour) are rendered ineffective for good nutrition and are void ofB vitamins needed to transport glucose into the brain. Because of this situation even those who seem to tolerate and be able to digest sugars are still unable to utilize them effectively because of the inability to transport the glucose properly.
Another factor mentioned earlier that affects so may people is hypothyroidism. (See earlier work on thyroid). There are many factors involved in the thyroid and the entire endocrine system that are not considered in conventional medicine and that are significant in the biochemistry of living beings. Hypothyroidismis linked closely to some forms of depression and numerous symptoms of mental illness. It is also linked to many digestive problems including poor blood profiles, high cholesterol/triglyceride levels, hypoglycemia etc.. The sugar intolerant, hypothyroid, low blood sugar people have common and similar sounding symptoms that are all too often chased. Chasing symptoms is common and has the ability, like drugs, to mask the real problem and give varying degrees of relief. Many so-called "natural practitioners" when treating a problem, take a medical diagnosis, assume it is correct, and treat this "condition" with so called "nutrition" and more "natural band-aids" without considering digestive ability and nutritional deficiency based upon solid, provable and repeatable evidence, that when done competently, should dovetail with other sensible prognostic and diagnostic disciplines.
The use of actual nutrition with a good diet based upon solid evidence (see the 24 hour urinalysis by Dr. Howard Loomis Jr.) concerning digestion, absorption assimilation and elimination, cannot be over emphasized. While the use of a specific, possibly life saving medical procedure or drug done necessarily and competently is not disputed, the overly heroic procedures and the irresponsible overprescribing of harmful drugs inappropriately called "medicines" certainly should be. Many times drugs not only do not help people but often make them worse and give them new problems. The people in this country, as well as other countries, are used and abused by the drug "cartel" and its pushers or technicians (doctors and pharmacists) whose knowledge of actual nutrition and biochemistry is usually non-existent. Doctor to many means teacher. In this country the average allopathic "doctor", the visible link with the "cartel" (made up of the medical schools, researchers, and pharmaceutical companies, all aligned with the so called "insurance companies"), do not have the time to shake hands with or even listen to their patients, let alone teach them anything. This incredible worldwide network that makes up the misnamed system of "health care", is without doubt the ''ultimate monopoly", with vast numbers of corporations and individuals involved with making a living from other people trying to live, with greed and profit as their bottom line.
The use of nutrition, especially using plant enzymes in digestion, assimilation, absorption and elimination, with other good prognostic and diagnostic tools to help people be healthy and well, would go far in making this a healthier, happier and better place.